Bring a friend, and join our 55+ ministry for brunch, games, and fellowship! Please come and enjoy dominoes, card games, cornhole, a craft, or simply visit with one another! Bring your own drink — we’ll supply the treats!
First Methodist Church of Canyon will be hosting a blood drive on Saturday, April 5, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the east side of its building. Come help save lives in our area by giving blood!
Our Canyon and Amarillo campuses will be coming together for a combined Good Friday worship service at 6:00 p.m. in the Canyon campus’ sanctuary. We invite you to join us for this solemn worship service as we reflect upon Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross for our sins.
Childcare will be available down the hall from the sanctuary for children from birth through preschool.
Join us Sunday, April 20, as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ! We have four ways to worship:
Canyon Campus
• Traditional services at 8:30 and 10:50 a.m. in the sanctuary
• Modern service at 10:50 in Fellowship Hall
Amarillo Campus
• Modern worship at 10:30 a.m. in the worship space
Both campuses will have childcare available for children from birth through four years old. Classrooms at the Canyon campus will be open for Sunday school classes that wish to meet. Please check with your class leader for information.
The First Methodist Leadership Board will meet on Monday, April 28, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Canyon campus. Church members are invited to attend the Leadership Board's monthly meetings to hear updates about the church's finances, facilities and property, and about current and upcoming events in the life of the church.
All students in grades 7 through 12 are invited to join us for Camp Nova 712! We are so excited to see what God will do, and we want you to be there to experience it. Registration is open now!
Join us at Ceta Canyon July 14-17, 2025, for the first-ever Camp Nova 456! This camp has the same mission and DNA as the original Camp Nova (now known as "Camp Nova 712"), but is designed for students in fourth through sixth grades. Please note that this camp ends on a Thursday (not on a Friday like Nova 712). Registration is open now!
If you need a church event advertised, please let us know here. Please note that First Methodist Church reserves the right to photograph, record, and broadcast events that take place at its campuses, events that it sponsors, as well as public events in which First Methodist is involved, without the express permission of those who may appear in any photographs or video. We also reserve the right to use any footage or photographs in marketing materials. If you have any concerns, or would prefer that your or your child's likeness not be used, please alert the photographer, a staff member, or email us.